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Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Hallo, in diesem barrierearmen Blogbeitrag geht es um einen digitalen Vortrag in englischer Sprache von Dr. Kana Grace mit Infos zum Thema: Einsamkeit bei autistischen Erwachsenen.
Der Titel des Videos lautet: "GRRAND Webinar Series: Loneliness in Autistics Adults, Dr Kana Grace".
Thumbnail / Vorschaubild
Loneliness in Autistics Adults: What We Know and What We Can Do About It!
Videobeschreibung (Stand 2. September 2024)
In GRRAND our aim is to deliver research in order to understand the wellbeing of neurodivergent people and people with other syndromes across the life course. To achieve this we work closely with communities and also with a diverse network of inspiring experts and forward-thinkers.
To find out more about GRRAND, check our website https://www.neurodiversity-research.org/ or follow us on yyy (rainerroessler.de untersützt dieses Online-Netzwerk nicht) or xxx (rainerroessler.de untersützt dieses Online-Netzwerk nicht) at grrand_neurodiversity.
This webinar with Dr Kana Grace took place on 17.05.2024 as part of the GRRAND Webinar Series.
Speaker: Kana Grace, Honorary Research Fellow at CRAE, runs the non-profit startup, Valtameri for support and advocacy of neurodivergent people and their families.
Find out more about Valtameri here: ...
Kana's bio: Kana is a multiply-neurodivergent advocate and researcher on health and wellbeing among neurodivergent people, and she is keen to co-produce her research with other neurodivergent people. Kana completed her PhD at the Centre for Research in Autism and Education(CRAE) at UCL. Her doctoral research investigated and characterized loneliness in autistic adults with particular focus on measurements and lived experiences.
Currently, Kana is extending one of her doctoral studies to adapt and evaluate a loneliness measure for autistic adults with autistic adults in partnership with the researchers from Australia’s largest autism charity, Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT). In addition to her loneliness research, Kana has co-produced multiple research projects on health and wellbeing in neurodivergent people with other neurodivergent people and researchers.
https://youtu.be/EE_BXfbBT4M [0]
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